Boosting Retail Operations with Boomi: Connecting E-commerce, Inventory, and CRM

Connecting E-commerce, Inventory, and CRM

The retail industry is increasingly dependent on technology to enhance operational efficiency and customer satisfaction. The sector is undergoing a significant transformation. The lines between online and offline shopping are blurring, with customers demanding a seamless omnichannel experience. This means retailers need to have a unified view of their inventory, customer data, and sales channels.

The paper published in March 2024 states that in order to remain competitive in the retail industry, retailers must promptly adopt and integrate technology. This is due to the rapid evolution of retail technology. If we look at the Indian retail market, new players have made the market one of the most competitive and fast-paced. Retail contributes 10% to India’s GDP and 8% to employment, making it important domestically. The predicted retail market size was 1.2 trillion U.S. dollars, with food and grocery accounting for most of it. Indian retail is growing exponentially, with development in tier II and III cities as well as big towns and metros.

For many retailers, managing e-commerce platforms, inventory systems, and CRM tools can be a complex task. However, with the right integration solutions, this complexity can be greatly reduced. Here is where Boomi, a robust integration platform, come to help us. By connecting your e-commerce platform, inventory management system (IMS), and customer relationship management (CRM) tool, Boomi can streamline your retail operations and improve customer satisfaction.

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Understanding the Challenges in Retail Operations

Retailers today face several challenges. They need to manage an increasing number of online and offline sales channels while keeping track of inventory and maintaining strong customer relationships. This complexity often results in:

  • Disconnected systems leading to data silos.
  • Difficulty in managing and synchronizing inventory across multiple channels.
  • Challenges in delivering a consistent customer experience due to the fragmentation of consumer data.

The fragmentation of consumer data presents these above-listed challenges in ensuring a consistent customer experience.

Benefits of Boomi for Retail

Boomi, a leading integration platform as a service (iPaaS), offers a solution to these challenges by enabling seamless connectivity between different systems. Boomi allows retailers to connect their e-commerce platforms, inventory management systems, and CRM tools efficiently. Boomi offers several advantages for retailers looking to enhance their operations:

  • Improved Data Visibility and Accuracy: Eliminate data silos and ensure consistent information across all your systems. This enables you to make well-informed decisions that are based on real-time data.
  • Enhanced Customer Experience: Provide a seamless shopping experience by offering consistent product information, pricing, and promotions across all channels.
  • Streamlined Order Fulfillment: Automate order processing and reduce errors by ensuring smooth communication between your e-commerce platform and IMS. This allows for faster fulfillment times and fewer backorders.
  • Improved Inventory Management: Gain real-time insights into your inventory levels across all locations. This helps you avoid stockouts and optimize your ordering process.
  • Enhanced Marketing Campaigns: Utilise customer data from your CRM to develop marketing campaigns that are specifically tailored to your audience.
  • Increased Efficiency: Boomi automates manual tasks, freeing up your employees to focus on more strategic initiatives. This enhances overall efficiency and decreases operational costs.

Connecting the Dots: E-commerce, Inventory, and CRM

Let’s delve deeper into how Boomi facilitates the connection between these crucial retail systems:

  • E-commerce and Inventory Management: Boomi integrates your e-commerce platform with your IMS. This ensures that product availability, pricing, and descriptions are always up-to-date on your online store. When a customer places an order, Boomi automatically updates your IMS, reserving the necessary inventory and initiating the fulfillment process.
  • E-commerce and CRM: Boomi connects your e-commerce platform with your CRM tool, allowing you to capture valuable customer data during the purchase process. This includes information like purchase history, preferences, and contact details. This integrated data allows you to personalize marketing campaigns, provide targeted recommendations, and offer exceptional customer service.
  • Inventory Management and CRM: Boomi facilitates communication between your IMS and CRM. With real-time inventory data flowing into your CRM, you can automatically inform customers about potential delays due to low stock. This assists in managing expectations and the preservation of consumer satisfaction.

Case Studies: The White Company

The White Company, a retailer of lifestyle products, faced challenges in integrating their e-commerce, ERP, and CRM systems. By using Boomi, they achieved seamless integration across these systems. This integration resulted in improved operational efficiency and a better customer experience. Orders were processed faster, inventory levels were accurately maintained, and customer data was unified, enabling personalized marketing efforts.

Case Study: The White Company Succes Story with Boomi

The White Company has successfully harnessed Boomi’s integration platform to drive its digital transformation and support its omnichannel business model. By adopting a cloud-first strategy, the retailer has transitioned from traditional mail-order sales to operating nearly 50 retail stores. Integration was crucial in this transformation, as The White Company needed to manage data exchanges from a growing portfolio of cloud applications and reduce the complexity of its IT environment.

Initially deploying 20 integrations, including eCommerce (SAP Hybris), ERP (Microsoft Dynamics), warehouse management (Manhattan Scale), and merchandise planning (Maple Lake), The White Company found Boomi’s platform easy to use and adaptable. This enabled the company to meet its integration needs quickly and effectively. The company achieved the following results:

  • Reduced integration development time from months to weeks.
  • Enhanced ability to respond promptly to business demands.
  • Achieved flexibility to connect applications and data as required.
  • Laid the groundwork for future innovation.

Implementing Boomi in Your Retail Operations

Integrating Boomi into your retail operations begins with assessing current systems and integration needs. Partnering with experts like RESKOM ensures a smooth implementation tailored to optimize and monitor ongoing integration processes.

Assessing Your Integration Needs

Before implementing Boomi, it’s essential to assess your current systems and identify integration needs. Determine which e-commerce platforms, inventory systems, and CRM tools need to be connected and define the desired outcomes.

Partnering with Experts

Implementing an integration solution like Boomi can be complex. Partnering with a cloud solution provider like RESKOM can ensure a smooth implementation process. RESKOM’s expertise in the Boomi platform can help tailor the integration to meet your specific business needs.

Continuous Monitoring and Optimization

Integration is not a one-time task. Continuous monitoring and optimization are crucial to ensure that the integrated systems function seamlessly. Boomi provides tools for monitoring integration processes and identifying any issues that may arise. Regular updates and optimizations can help keep your retail operations running smoothly.


Efficient operations and excellent customer experiences are key to success in the competitive retail environment. Boomi offers a robust solution for integrating e-commerce platforms, inventory management systems, and CRM tools. By leveraging Boomi, retailers can streamline their operations, maintain accurate inventory levels, and provide personalized customer experiences. This integration leads to improved efficiency, reduced operational costs, and increased customer satisfaction.

For retailers looking to enhance their operations, Boomi, supported by expert partners like RESKOM, provides a comprehensive and reliable integration solution. Talk to the Boomi experts to know more about how Boomi can help you achieve your business goals.