What are the three popular types of system integration?

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As businesses expand and diversify their IT landscape, they often find themselves grappling with a multitude of disjointed tools that fail to communicate effectively. This is where system integration steps in as the hero, bridging the gap between various software and hardware components to create a harmonious and efficient ecosystem. In this article, we’ll delve into the world of system integration and understand the system integration meaning, exploring its significance, the key types of system integration, and the technological underpinnings that facilitate this transformative process.


What is System Integration, and Why Does Your Business Need It?

System integration entails the art of seamlessly merging distinct software and hardware modules to function as a unified infrastructure. The result is a holistic system where each piece collaborates harmoniously, yielding an array of benefits that elevate operational efficiency, data accuracy, decision-making agility, and cost-effectiveness.

Increased Productivity: Integrated systems centralize control over daily processes, enhancing overall workflow efficiency. This unified access empowers employees to utilize various apps and data from a single entry point, culminating in heightened productivity.

Accurate and Trustworthy Data: Integrated systems ensure synchronized data updates across all components, fostering consistency and integrity. This real-time synchronization keeps departments aligned and minimizes errors stemming from disparate data sources.

Faster Decision-Making: The types of system integration eliminate the need to manually extract and collate scattered data for analysis. With a comprehensive overview of all information, organizations can extract actionable insights promptly, expediting decision-making processes.

Cost-Effectiveness: Embracing different types of system integration is often more economical than replacing an array of disconnected components with an entirely new system. The cost and complexity associated with implementing a new computer infrastructure are mitigated through integration.

The Three Popular Types of System Integration

Legacy System Integration:

Goal: Integrate modern applications into existing, outdated systems.
Scenario: When organizations heavily rely on critical but outdated software for daily operations.
Solution: Modernize legacy systems by establishing communication channels with newer information systems, ensuring a seamless exchange of data.
Example: Connecting a legacy CRM system to a data warehouse or a transportation management system (TMS).

Enterprise Application Integration (EAI):

Goal: Unify different subsystems within a single business environment.
Scenario: As companies expand, integrating multiple enterprise applications becomes necessary to streamline operations.
Solution: EAI brings all functions into one business chain, automating real-time data exchange between diverse applications.
Example: Creating a unified ecosystem for accounting, human resources, inventory management, ERP, and CRM systems.

Third-Party System Integration:

Goal: Enhance the functionality of an existing system.
Scenario: When businesses require new features but lack the resources or time for custom development.
Solution: Integrate third-party tools to augment system capabilities without extensive customization.
Example: Integrating an existing application with online payment systems (PayPal, WebMoney), social media (Facebook, LinkedIn), or online video streaming services (YouTube).

Approaching System Integration: Architectural Models and Technologies

Point-to-Point Model:

Architectural Pattern: Each type of system integration directly connects to others it needs to collaborate with.
Pros: Quick small-scale integration, suitable for simpler operations and connecting SaaS applications.
Cons: It becomes complex to manage as the number of applications grows and scalability challenges.
Use Cases: Companies with straightforward operations and fewer software modules.

Hub-and-Spoke Model:

A central hub (message broker) connects subsystems, eliminating direct communication.
Pros: Higher scalability, enhanced security, and architecture simplicity.
Cons: Hub can become a bottleneck, dependent on the central integration engine.
Use Cases: E-commerce, financial operations, highly regulated industries.

Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) Model:

An ESB serves as a message-oriented middleware, connecting subsystems.
Pros: Decoupled subsystems, easy replacement or changes, scalability.
Cons: Maintenance complexity, and troubleshooting challenges.
Use Cases: Large projects, enterprise application integration, on-premises solutions.

Ways to Connect Systems: Technological Bridges for Integration

To achieve the seamless connectivity required for effective system integration, several technological “connectors” come into play. These connectors serve as the backbone of integration, ensuring that data and functionalities flow smoothly between disparate components. Here are some of the most common connectors:

Application Programming Interfaces (APIs): APIs are the workhorses of modern system integration. These standardized interfaces sit between applications and web services, facilitating the transmission of data and functions. Many online service providers, from social media platforms to travel websites, offer external APIs to enable easy interaction with their products.

Middleware: Acting as a hidden software layer, middleware plays the role of binding distributed systems, applications, services, and devices. It manages diverse tasks such as data management, messaging, API management, and authentication. Middleware can be accessed via APIs, and API gateways act as intermediaries between services and systems.

Webhooks: Webhooks, also known as HTTP callbacks, serve as real-time messages sent from one system to another in response to specific events. For instance, accounting software may receive webhook notifications about transactions from payment gateways or online banking systems, triggering relevant actions in the integrated systems.

Electronic Data Interchange (EDI): EDI involves the exchange of business information in a standardized electronic format, replacing traditional paper documents. This exchange can occur through a value-added network (VAN), where a third-party network handles data transmission, or via direct connections through the Internet.

Combining these connectors, custom-built solutions can be crafted to cater to an organization’s unique integration needs. Whether it’s leveraging APIs, utilizing middleware, or implementing webhooks, the goal remains the same: to establish a cohesive network that seamlessly merges fragmented components.

Approaching System Integration: Architectural Models

While the choice of connectors is pivotal, selecting the right architectural model is equally crucial to successful system integration testing. Here’s a closer look at the three popular architectural approaches:

Point-to-Point Model: Ideal for simpler operations and connecting SaaS applications, the point-to-point model involves direct connections between system integration testing. It offers quick integration for small-scale projects. However, it becomes challenging to manage as the number of applications grows, leading to a tangled web of connections akin to star/spaghetti integration.

Hub-and-Spoke Model: This model introduces a central hub (message broker) that connects subsystems, eliminating the need for direct communication. It enhances scalability, security, and architectural simplicity. Yet, the central hub could become a bottleneck under heavy workloads.


In today’s intricate IT landscape, system integration serves as the bridge that transforms disjointed components into a harmonious ecosystem. Leveraging a combination of connectors and architectural models, organizations can realize the promise of seamless data exchange, enhanced efficiency, and agility.

From APIs to middleware, from point-to-point to ESB, the tools and strategies are abundant at Reskom, catering to a range of integration scenarios. As businesses continue to evolve, system integration services from Reskom remain an indispensable ally in the journey to create a unified, efficient, and future-ready IT infrastructure. Contact us now!